Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Take a deep breath....
now breath.

Oh my today is one of those days.
Babysat my grandson last night.  Picked him up from daycare and all went well.  Until...I found worms in his stool.

Have you ever had this problem?
Not me and I've been a mother for 32 years and a grandmother for 8 years.  Never even knew 
children could get worms.

And this is the poor little guy.
So this morning I started cleaning everything he
touched with bleach water.   Washing bedding and anything he played on. 


The toilet overflowed.  Now more laundry to
wash and dry.  :( 

We have had this problem from time to time, But 
not for a long time.  At least I have the morning
to get things cleaned up and call for advice on the 
worm problem.

I think I can..I think I can.
I know I can.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Time to relax or time to play?

I haven't had any time off work for so long I 

can't remember when the last time was.  More

then 7 years I do believe.


Can you guess it's going to be all about me?

Enough with the caps.


I've been so busy that things have piled up for ...

yes....7 years.  I'm taking time of to

throw, donate and stash away.  And that takes

T I M E.


You say not a good vacation!  But oh how my Soul,

Heart and Mind will feel when it is all organized.


I have Faith that it is a good choice.  

I finely found the camera that was best for me and 

it came in Wednesday.  I will be playing around with that too.

And maybe trying to figure out picmonkey.  I played with

these pics but when I went to grab them the changes

were gone.  More work to do.  And yes I saved it.  :)

Where or where did they get saved?  Again I must have

leaped before I LOOKED.



Till next time...HUGS. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good Sunny Morning Friends

I am still at the same weight as 2 days ago.  But the Fluff
around the middle doesn't feel as tight.  HAHA

I've been good at what I eat.  I did have some ice cream last
night.  But it was a small bowl.  REALLY!

(my true confection) 

I have been proud of myself in getting more done on my 
"TO DO" 
 list.  I find if I write it down it makes me keep up
with all that is most important.   
I LOVE to see them checked off.

A week ago Monday 2 of my 3 daughters and I went to a zoo up North.
Oh yes...we took their boys.  I walked for over 4 hrs.  I didn't feel too tired
till the next day.  Like a hangover.  Not bad, just felt I had lost some energy.  
Lagging in pep.  In this pic. we were on the Indiana Farm life.  I was welcoming 
you all to my house.  I know.  It's fun to be silly.

Isn't this Peacock  BEAUTIFUL.
He just strutted himself for all to see.  Calling for his mate to
come and see how very sharp he looked.
We had a great family time.  Wish we would have had someone take of pic of us all.
Off to another GREAT last day of Summer.
When you plant a seed of Love,
it is you that blossoms. 
God bless your day. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Thinks I can't control

Do you have things in your life that seem out of control?
I dedicated my younger years to raising my 3 girls.
I loved it every minute.  When life gave you one challenge.. 
you took care of it.  Maybe longer to find out how to, but it always worked out.  Then came another one. (laughing)

Things just always worked.

At this time I could also eat whatever I wanted.
hum hum....
Not anymore.  I have put on 34 lbs since my first child.
They say you add 1 pound for every year you are out of school.
She turned 32 this July.  I noticed 7 years ago I was putting weight on in the middle.  Upper tummy and tummy.  I think about it every day....but do nothing about it.  I'm not fat...but have body fat.

I guess this is my confession to myself and anyone that reads this blog.  Which isn't much.  I don't blog much or exercise much or practice my harp playing because I find myself wrapped up in taking care of others....still.

My husband is working at a job he drives 1 hr each way. At the end of the day he is so tired.  At our age we had hoped to be on our plan to retire.  Thanks to the economy 
he has had to look for other jobs.  Leaving the ones behind that he worked hard to bring us to the point of retirement.  We are grateful he has a job to go to every day.  But how long will this keep?
So I am getting off track....Maybe my problem.

My confession ...I hope....will make be hold myself accountable to me and you to loose some weight.

I love to read about food recipes, craft how too and now I find lots of fix it how too.  Avery cool one yesterday was about keeping your pumpkins longer when carving for Halloween. Put those silicone gel packs in that come in pocketbooks and shoes.  Very cool.

I'm going to try to carve out some time to exercise.
I hope to take my vitamins on a regular basis. 
Stay away from my guilt...eating ice cream.
Eat better and not so late at night.

This morning I weigh 143.   8-6-12.

So on day one I hope to find the courage and strength
to keep up with my goal.

Any help or suggestions?

To all have a very blessed day.