Monday, September 3, 2012

What a day.

I'm ready to get in my very soft and cozy bed.
It has been a relaxing Labor day in  our house.
Although I did go to work for a few this morning.

Today is trash day.  They pick up even CHRISTMAS.
Can you believe that?

I had one more bag to throw in before they came.  What's that  I hear?
The sound of the truck right outside.  I quickly throw on shorts over my nighgown
slip on a jacket and off I go.  Well Hubby didn't take it out last night so I
ran back up to the house to grab the can.  Pushed it into the street so he wouldn't
take off without seeing it.  All went well.  He picked it up and I grabbed  my can,
turned around and fell right smack in the street.  OUCH!

Not only did I feel dumb .....but it hurt. 

I came in and lick my scrapes and sobbed a few tears and went back to 
making my sleeping family fresh banana muffins.

After work I allowed myself a little nap.  Gaining energy for 

I hadn't done this for a long while so I had to brush up on the process.
I must say it went well except one jar lost a lid and made a small mess in 
the cooker.  Not too bad for the way the day started out.

I am feeling a little sore.  I don't want to know how I'm going to feel in the morning.

So off to bed and hope I can move after being still for a few hours.



  1. Oh, Teresa, poor you!! I hope you weren't too sore...(bruised feelings, though!)I apologize for taking so very long to get back to you...thank you for your sweet comments about my Faerie house! (You are also very brave to can tomatoes!!) Now following you, my Dear!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Ann for stopping by. We have been enjoying the much cooler weather. On the first day of fall we can feel it for sure.
