I have a very dear friend that I miss so very much. She lived next door. Sandy is her name. She showed me many things about gardening and Love. She has a blog on her art. I was visiting it tonight and found my blog listed as one she visits. How touching it was to me. I Love you dear friend. She has given me 4 paintings that I will love forever, and another that I contracted her to paint for me. They are a big part of my everyday.
I don't plan these blogs out very well. For if I did I'd have pictures of her paintings to show. Maybe when I get time I can do that.
Like now, it's 12:30 am and I should be in bed. I have a BIG day tomorrow. My husband gets in the shower at 5:30 am and I always wake up. Once that happens I can't go back to sleep. After the little ones go to bed and the bigger ones are off studying I get this energy. The alone time is so welcoming. Peace. Calm. Relaxation. So off I go to bed until another post, God Bless.
Wow. What a precious friend you are. Thanks for being my friend. Seems impossible that it's been 15 years since we leaned on the fence in the backyard and talked. Remember when you broke your wrist? OUCH! And I remember YOUR babies like it was yesterday, and now you're having parties for your little grand sons! Your girls used to come over and visit when I gardened. So sweet. MISS YOU! (See you Saturday at Gayle's, I hope???)